Friday, April 30, 2010

Important Info for Tuesday! And some of my work, for a change!

Here's a copy of the email I sent to all of you, in case you missed it:

Hey everyone! I was just sent an email by the Illustration dept saying that I need to collect samples of all your work next week (digital samples mind you, not originals, don't worry!)

I need 3 examples of your best work, whatever you think those pieces are.
Here is a breakdown of what I need:

• a CD with the student's name and the name of the class on it
• three JPEGs for each student with the file name in this format: FirstName_LastName_something to identify the photo.jpg (eg. Erin_Gleeson_tree.jpg)
• the images should be placed in a folder with the folder name in this format: CourseNameSpring10_InstructorsLastName (eg. DigitalAsIllustrationSpring10_Ciesemier)
• 300 dpi

SO, bring in this CD to give to me with your 3 best pieces, AND bring in all the print outs of your work to put up on the wall, like we discussed before.

Sorry to add another thing to your to-do list, but hopefully this shouldn't take long, since we've been working digitally all semester and don't have paintings to scan or anything. Thanks guys! Have a good weekend!

ALSO, it's the end of the semester and since we always talk about YOUR work, I figured I'd share some of the work I've been doing recently. :) These are just some recent highlights.

Lately I've had a lot of girly-type assignments, which has been fun because usually I do a lot of business-type work! I did these illustrations for Pregnancy Magazine about unrealistic examples of post-baby celebrity weightloss:

This lady was for the LA Times-- it was a really quick turnaround, 4 days total for sketching AND the final, so I'm happy with how it turned out. It was for a feature by Carmandy from What Not to Wear, about the trends in spring makeup! Yup, pretty girly.

This 4 page comic (I did the lettering for the title, but not the text) was for Muse magazine-- a kid's magazine, and it's a Okanagan Native American myth about how Coyote got his name. I don't usually get animals in my assignments, so this was a fun challenge. They also requested that I draw it in a pacific-northwesterny style, to match with the myth's origins (think totem poles)

Sometimes it's tough to have enough creative juices left to do personal artwork when you're drawing all the time for a living, but it's easier when you've got a schedule and a group! I was asked to be a part of the Picture Book Report,, a group of illustrators who pick one of their favorite books and do an illustration based on it each month, for a year, for fun. This is the end of our third month, and there's a ton of great art on there already! I just put up my piece for this month today, my book is Sabriel, one of my favorite novels when when I was younger. It's an adventure/horror/ fantasy story, which is a genre I don't get a chance to illustrate much!

And that's that. See you on Tuesday!

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