The paper bag and the expression on the bag's...face?...are nice touches. Also, that he's carrying a bouquet of simple flowers and not roses or something. ^^
Overall though, I like the feeling of this picture, if that makes sense. It's really adorable :)
The technical stuff: Each week you are required to post your weekly sketchbook here--they should be uploaded before class each week. (remember, when you're scanning and posting to the blog, sketches should probably be 72 dpi and in Grayscale or RGB. Finals for printing should be scanned at 300 dpi.)
I encourage you to comment on each other's work and post any other projects or doodles you'd like to share or would like input on--this can include progress on class assignments, experiments, or links of interest you think the class would enjoy. This blog is to encourage you to help each other out, get ideas flowing, and see what everyone is up to! Have fun with it!
I'll be posting something myself each week, so stay tuned!
First comment :D
The paper bag and the expression on the bag's...face?...are nice touches. Also, that he's carrying a bouquet of simple flowers and not roses or something. ^^
Overall though, I like the feeling of this picture, if that makes sense. It's really adorable :)
so you want a hipster bf huh
all i can think of re: scarf is heibol snowman :<
your mystery boyfriand is well dressed. i like the 3d elements... super cute.
WHO COULD RESIST THAT FACE?! hahha, glomp!!!
I like the way you put this together, the mix of 3d and 2d looks simple and elegant and cute. :)
Thanks a bunch guys! And Kelsey, the Heibol snowman makes me sob... I miss him.
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