Yeah, this looks nice! I can't quite figure out what was already together and what was pieced together. I'm a little concerned that too much of it might have been from an ad or something.
So yeah, I'm wondering the same as lexi, because there are seams from the knife, yet they don't always make sense for where cuts in a traditional piece would be. I'm also amused by the fact that I thought that was a barbie doll from the thumbnails... There's something very toy-like about the scale and props.
i love the turquoise! she looks so elegant and laid back. And the division of space with the couch and frame thing is really pleasing. I like how the printed pillow and hand offset the chandelier being directly over her hair. You did an amazing job with leading the eye into the space you've created (hand and table leading to her legs and up her torso to the chandelier between the two frames within a larger frame and finally the whole image)
The technical stuff: Each week you are required to post your weekly sketchbook here--they should be uploaded before class each week. (remember, when you're scanning and posting to the blog, sketches should probably be 72 dpi and in Grayscale or RGB. Finals for printing should be scanned at 300 dpi.)
I encourage you to comment on each other's work and post any other projects or doodles you'd like to share or would like input on--this can include progress on class assignments, experiments, or links of interest you think the class would enjoy. This blog is to encourage you to help each other out, get ideas flowing, and see what everyone is up to! Have fun with it!
I'll be posting something myself each week, so stay tuned!
Elizabeth! NICE JOB! i thought it was a Juicy Couture Ad for a second, nice! Looks perfect! Was this a combo of digital AND exacto blade usage?
Yeah, this looks nice! I can't quite figure out what was already together and what was pieced together. I'm a little concerned that too much of it might have been from an ad or something.
So yeah, I'm wondering the same as lexi, because there are seams from the knife, yet they don't always make sense for where cuts in a traditional piece would be. I'm also amused by the fact that I thought that was a barbie doll from the thumbnails... There's something very toy-like about the scale and props.
i love the turquoise! she looks so elegant and laid back. And the division of space with the couch and frame thing is really pleasing.
I like how the printed pillow and hand offset the chandelier being directly over her hair. You did an amazing job with leading the eye into the space you've created (hand and table leading to her legs and up her torso to the chandelier between the two frames within a larger frame and finally the whole image)
i agree: it does look nice, but it looks like too little had been altered by you.
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